Allah Allah Allah Ishwara Raam
Maulaa Maulaa Maulaa Sai Naam
Allah Eshu Buddha Mahaavira
Gautama Guru Govindaji Naanaka
Prashaanti Sai Saba Kaa Maalika Allah Ho Sai Maulaa Ho Sai
[Allah Ho Sai Maulaa Ho Sai (8)
O Lord Sri Sai Rama, Thou art Allah The Most Merciful and Most Benevolent Almighty Lord. Allah is The Supreme Sovereign, HE is the Undisputed, Unexcelled Ruler of Creation and HE alone is Worthy of worship. Thou art Ishwara i.e. Lord Shiva Who is The Most Auspicious, Supreme Divine Lord of The Entire Cosmos. Thou art Lord Gautam Buddha, Lord Mahavira, Guru Govind The Tenth Sikh Guru and Lord Guru Nanak. Thou art The Supreme Divine Master of The Entire Cosmos. O Lord Sri Sai of Prashanti Nilayam Thou art our All.