Aarti Utaaru Guru Mahaaraaj O Guru Mahaaraaj
Main Aarti Utaaru Guru Mahaaraaj O Guru Mahaaraaj
Maa Jai Jagadambe Durge Teri Aarti Utaaru
Sri Raama Chandra Raghu Veeraa Teri Aarti Utaaru
Hari Naaraayana Brija Baalaa Teri Aarti Utaaru
Hara Mahaa Deva Shiva Shambho Teri Aarti Utaaru
Sai Baba Sai Devaa Teri Aarti Utaaru
[Aarti Utaaru Baba Aarti Utaaru
Aarti Utaaru Mangal Aarti Utaaru
Aarti Utaaru Bhagvan Aarti Utaaru
Aarti Utaaru Mangal Aarti Utaaru (3)
Mangal Aarti Utaaru
Sai Aarti Utaaru]
I offer Aarati by burning camphor in front of Thee, O Supreme Divine Master. Thou art The Supreme Divine Soverign. Just as camphor burns and in its light The Lord is seen, similarly we should sacrifice our life to show The Divinity within us to others. O Ever-Victorious, Most Magnificient Supreme Divine Mother of The Entire Cosmos, I offer Aarti to Thee. I offer Aarti to Lord Sri Rama, Who is The Bravest Divine Jewel of The Raghu Dynasty. Thou hast within Thee, The Brilliance and Tranquility of The Full Moon and Thou Purifies the restless mind. O Lord Sri Sai Narayana, Thou art The Saviour and Sustainer of all and Mother Lakshmi Who is the Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity is Thy Beloved Divine Consort. I offer Aarti to Thee Who Had Incarnated in Brindavana as Lord Sri Krishna. O Most Beloved Lord Shiva, Thou art The Lord of Lords and art The Most Auspicious, Supreme Divine Lord of The Entire Cosmos and I offer Aarti to Thee. I offer The Most Auspicious Arti, to my Most Beloved Divine Lord – Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.