Aao Aao Swami

Ab Aao Aao Swami

Hridaya Mandira Mein Aao Swami

Ab Aao Aao Swami

Darashana Se Saba Paapa Vinaashaka

Sharanaagata Se Bhava Bhaya Mochana

Sathya Swaroopaa Aao

Prema Swaroopaa Aao Swami

[Aao Aao Sai Aao (4)

Sathya Swaroopaa Aao

Prema Swaroopaa Aao

Aao Aao Sai Aao(6)]


Welcome, O Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Sathya Sai Baba. O Swami, we Welcome Thee in the Temple of our heart, which is Thy Divine Abode. Just seeing Thee destroys all our sins. By surrendering ourselves to Thee, our fear of the bondage of the innumerable clycles of births and deaths and of worldly existence is destroyed. Thou art The Embodiment of Truth and Unconditional Divine Love.


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