Aao Aao Hey Bhagawaan

Tuma Aao Aao Hey Bhagawaan

Sarva Jeevana Ke Karo Kalyaan

Aao Aao Hey Bhagawaan

Tuma Ho Parama Kripaa Ke Saagar

Tuma Ho Guna Mandira Nata Naagar

Tuma Ho Sathya Sanaatana Swami

Ghata Ghata Vaasi Antaryaami


Welcome O Most Beloved, Divine Lord. Kindly Bestow All Auspiciousness and Prosperity on all beings. Thou art the Ocean Of Divine Grace. O Lord Sri Sai, Thou art the Treasure House of Supreme Virtues. Thou art Beyond Attributes. Swami, Thou art Infinite, Eternal Truth and art The Indeweller of each and every heart. Thou art Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient.


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