Aanjaneyaa Sri Hanumantaa

Vaayu Kumaaraa Vaanara Veeraa

Sri Raama Dootaa Aanjaneyaa

Sri Raama Bhaktaa Hanumantaa

Lakshmana Mitraa Anjani Putraa

Sri Raama Priya Sakhaa Aanjaneyaa


O Lord Sri Hanuman, Thou art The Beloved Divine Child of Mother Anjani and of Lord Vayu – The Wind God. Thou art The Most Beloved Divine Messenger and art The Most Superior Devotee of Lord Sri Rama. Lakshmana The Younger Brother, is Thy Friend and Lord Sri Rama, is Thy Most Beloved Divine Friend. Exact meaning of the

word Hanuman – ‘Hanu’ means to destroy and ‘maan’ means ego – so HE Who has destroyed HIS Ego totally is Hanuman.)


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