Aananda Roopini Paahi Maam
Paramaananda Roopini Paahi Maam
Sai Naaraayani Paahi Maam
Nitya Kripaa Tava Dehi Maam
Sai Naaraayani Sathya Naaraayani
Prema Swaroopini Paahi Maam
Prema Katakshini Dehi Maam
O Most Beloved, Most Magnificient, Supreme Divine Mother Sai, Thou art The Embodiment of Eternal Bliss. Kindly Protect me O Divine Mother and kindly Shower Thy Constant Bliss and Unconditional Grace on me. O Mother Sathya Sai Narayani, Thou art Mother Lakshmi – The Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity and art The Beloved Divine Consort of Lord Sri Narayana, Who is The Saviour and Sustainer of all. Thou art The Embodiment of Unconditional Divine Love. Kindly give me Thy Loving Glance O Divine Mother Sai.