Aananda Aananda Aanandam

Parama Pitaa Paramaanandam

Sai Aananda Aananda Aanandam

Paalana Haari Sai Muraari

Parthi Vihaari Aanandam

Puttaparthi Vihaari Aanandam

Sathyam Shivam Sundaram Sai (2)


O Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Sai, Thou art The Embodiment of Eternal Bliss. Thou art The Supreme, Almighty, Divine Father of all. Thou art The Saviour and Sustainer of all and art The Destroyer of the ferocious demon Mura. O Sai Thou Resides in Puttaparthi and art The Embodiment of Truth, Purity and Divine Beauty.


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