Aadi Roopa Shyaama Mukundaa Sai Bhagavantaa

Sathya Dharma Shaanti Pradaataa

Prema Swaroopa Naathaa

Aadi Roopa Shyaama Mukundaa Sai Bhagavantaa

Kamala Naatha Kamalaa Kaantaa

Vitthalaa Anantaa


O Lord Sri Sai Krishna, Thou art The Eternal ONE. Thou art Lord Sri Mukunda with the Constant Magnetic Smile and art The Grantor of Liberation. Thou art The Bestower of Truth, Righteousness and Peace. Thou art The Embodiment of Unconditional Divine Love and art The Dark-Hued Lord of Mother Lakshmi – Who is The Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity. O Lord Sri Vitthala, Thou art Infinite.


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