Raadhe Shyaamaa Hey Ghana Shyaamaa

Raadhaa Maadhava Mangala Dhaamaa

Raadhe Shyaamaa Hey Ghana Shyaamaa

Nanda Nandana Govindaa

Navanita Choraa Govindaa

Naarada Priya Govindaa

Nata Jana Paalaa Govindaa

Naaraayana Govindaa

Govindaa Gokula Nandana Govindaa

Govindaa Parthi Nandana Govindaa

[Govindaa Govindaa Gokula Nandana Govindaa ]


O Dark-Hued Lord Sri Krishna, Thou art The Beloved Divine Lord of Mother Radha. Thou art The Most Auspicious Supreme Abode. O Lord Sri Madhava, Thou art The Master of Divine Knowledge. Thou art Lord Sri Govinda – The Protector of cows, the earth and of our senses. Thou art The Beloved Divine Child of Nanda. Thou art The Stealer of our hearts and minds and art The Sustainer of all. Just as butter is derived by churning milk or curds, similarly, the heart is cleansed by the purification of thought, word and action and Thou Loves to steal such a pure heart. Thou Loves The Divine Sage Narada – Who is a Great Devotee of Thee and is ever immersed in Thy thoughts only. Thou art Lord Sri Narayana – The Sustainer of The Entire Cosmos and art The Beloved Divine Lord of Mother Lakshmi – Who is The Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity. Thou art Lord Sri Gopala – The Divine Cowherd Child of Gokul. Thou art our Beloved Divine Lord Sri Sai Krishna of Parthi and we sing and chant Thy Divine Names incessantly.


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