Namostute Ganapati Gana Raayaa

Namostute Namostute

Namostute Ganapati Gana Raayaa

Hey Shiva Nandana Sai Gajaanana

Sai Gajaananaa Namostute

Sathya Sai Gajaanana Namostute

Namostute Namostute

[Hey Shiva Nandana Hey Gajaanana Hey Shiva Nandana Hey Gajaanana

Namostute Namostute Namostute ]


O Most Beloved, Divine Lord Sri Sathya Sai Ganesha, we bow down and offer our Most Humble Salutations to Thee. Thou art The Lord of Divine Forces and Demi-Gods. Thou art The Beloved Divine Child of Lord Shiva – Who is The Supreme Divine Lord of The Entire Cosmos. Thou art our Most Beloved, Divine Lord Sri Sathya Sai Ganesha and we bow down and offer our Most Humble Salutations to Thee.


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