Alakha Niranjana Sai Sundara

Maadhavaa Giridhaari Mohana

Alakha Niranjana Sai Sundara

Sri Pati Sri Hari Dayaa Maya Hari

Sri Ranga Naatha Hari Keshavaa

Maadhavaa Giridhaari Mohana


O Most Beautiful Lord Sri Sai, Thou art Immaculately Pure. Thou art Lord Sri Madhava – The Master of Divine Knowledge. As Lord Sri Giridhari, Thou Held The Govardhan Mountain on Thy Little Finger inorder to save Thy devotees from the fury of devastating floods and calamities of the heavy rainfall. Thou art Lord Sri Narayana – The Saviour and Sustainer of all and Mother Lakshmi The Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity is Thy Divine Consort. Thou art Most Merciful and Most Compassionate. Thou art Lord Sri Ranga – The Divine Cosmic Director. Thou art Lord Sri Keshava i.e. Lord Sri Vishnu having a Mane of Long lustrous Hair.


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