Aananda Maya Sai

Dayaa Mayaa Kripaa Mayaa Prema Mayaa

Aananda Maya Sai

Dinakara Koti Tejo Mayaa

Deena Vatsala Sai Karunaa Mayaa

Shaanta Saguna Parabrahma Mayaa

Sarvaa Mayaa Niraa Mayaa

Sai Sacchidaanandaa Mayaa


O Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Sai, Thou art The Embodiment of Eternal Bliss and Unconditional Divine Love. Thou art Illumined with The Luster and Brilliance of Millions of Shining Effulgent Suns. Thou Loves the down-trodden and miserable ones and art full of compassion towards them. Thou art The Ever-Blissful Attributeless Supreme Soul, Who is Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent. Thou art the Grantor of good health. O Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Sai, Thou art The Embodiment of The Existence of Truth, Awareness and Bliss.


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